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Comentário 13/03/2012 Android 4.0 ICS For The Galaxy S2– It's HERE! (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 08/03/2012 (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 07/03/2012 (+10 Pontos)
Post no fórum 07/03/2012 RE: TCP view like software for android which can show each and every connection established (+10 Pontos)
Post no fórum 06/03/2012 TCP view like software for android which can show each and every connection established (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 06/03/2012 "Should I Buy Now or Wait for the Samsung Galaxy S3?" (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 03/03/2012 [Rumor] Samsung Galaxy S3 Release Date Set For This April? (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 02/03/2012 AndroidPIT Skype Discussion: Windows 8 Impact On The Tablet/PC Market (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 02/03/2012 (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 02/03/2012 Sony's New OVERLY Priced Xperia Lineup..No Quad Core 'Till 2013?? (+10 Pontos)